Retiring At Age 65?

Are you turning 65 soon?

Your first chance to enroll in Medicare is during your 

Initial Enrollment Period.

You have a seven (7) month open enrollment period known as your (IEP) to sign up for Part A and/or Part B when you're first eligible for Medicare.

Your IEP starts 3 months before your 65th birthday month and continues through the 3 months after your 65th birthday month, giving you a 7 month open enrollment to sign up for Medicare. If you decide not to enroll in Medicare until the month of your 65th birthday or any of the 3 months following your 65th birthday month your coverage could be delayed causing a gap in your Medicare benefits. This could also move you out of your open enrollment which could affect your choices for  a gureenteed issued Medigap policy.

This is a brief overview ot the IEP when you turn sixty five (65) and does not cover all the possible open enrollment options that could be availible to you.

For more detailed information contact or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) (TTY 1-877-486-2048)


Steve Pore is an Independent Insurance agent who works with several different major insurance compamies, this allows him to shop for the best Plans and price availble for you. You can reach Steve Pore at:
