Participating in your auto insurance carrier's safe driving rewards program could get you a discount on your auto insurance!
Savings on your auto insurance policy can be up to 30% depending on your carrier and driving performance. Most participants get at least a 10% discount just for enrolling!
Several of our carriers including Safeco, Travelers, Nationwide, and Progressive have smart phone compatible apps that, when combined with your phone's GPS and internet connection, will evaluate and reward your safe driving habits in exchange for a discount on your premium.
While you may not have previously been interested in this optional enrollment, insurance rates have been going up and a lot of us are looking for ways to save on our insurance. What does it take to get a good score? Focused Driving (ignore your phone) Steady Acceleration Eased Deceleration Avoid Highly Trafficked Hours Obey Traffic Laws These smartphone applications use a small portion of your battery and data while they're in use, but the savings you may be eligible for could be worth it!
We especially recommend this optional program to households with young drivers, as the discount can help combat the higher premium young drivers bring.
Ask your agent about your telematics options! An app could save you hundreds of dollars.
-Your friends at Steve Pore Insurance Agency,
This information is provided as a service. We believe it's vital that everyone understands their coverages. Always be sure to check with your agent for confirmation of your specific coverages. Disasters happen, don't be at a loss in the event of a claim.,